Docker is a light weight container which runs on any computer or any cloud. It runs as an isolated process on the host operating system and its easier to create, deploy and run application. It is bit like a virtual machine, but it has different architectural approach which allow us to portable and efficient development. You can install docker using this documentation on Linux. Step 1 :- You need to create a docker file. I have provided a simple docker file which use to copy identity server in to a docker image. Please copy below two lines in to a new file and modify file name as 'Docker'. I'm creating a directory 'is500image' somewhere and put this file in to that directory. Sample Dockerfile to create a docker image with WSO2 IS 5.0.0. FROM cogniteev/oracle-java:java7 ADD ./wso2is-5.0.0.tar.gz /opt/wso2 Step 2 :- its better to create a tar.gz file using below commands. tar.gz file unzip its contend when its coping to docker image. You may creat...